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How are Charitable Deductions Affected by the TCJA?

How are Charitable Deductions Affected by the TCJA?

Generosity has its perks, or rather its tax benefits. Keep in mind, taxpayers are able to easily itemize once they exceed their standard deduction. This typically happens by taxpayers claiming charitable donations along with any expenses they have. It then becomes greater than their standard deduction. However, the standard deduction is twice the amount for 2017. […]

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Can I Still Claim the Making Work Pay Tax Credit?

Can I Still Claim the Making Work Pay Tax Credit?

Tax credits are the IRS’ way of saying ‘Thanks’! Even if you’re behind on filing past tax returns, it’s important to take your time and file each one accurately. Sure, in some cases you won’t be able to claim your refund after a certain period of time has passed but you can always reduce your […]

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2016 Tax Rates and Standard Deduction

2016 Tax Rates and Standard Deduction

Time to reflect on the new 2016 tax rates. Once the new year comes around, we tend to reevaluate ourselves and reflect on our accomplishments (and setbacks) from the past year. This is also a time when we think about how we can better ourselves for the year to come. For many of us, that means […]

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How to Complete a W-4 if You’re Married

How to Complete a W-4 if You’re Married

Tie the knot in your life and also on your taxes. The honeymoon is over and it’s back to reality. With such a huge change in your life, it’s important to pay attention to how it will affect your taxes. Once the wedding bells in your head subside, update your W-4 form with your employer. […]

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