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How to Maximize Your Tax Refund with Form W-4

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How to Maximize Your Tax Refund with Form W-4

Maximizing your tax refund relies upon a few easy processes, research, and some preparation. Examining your tax situation, involving your partner when finishing up your tax form W-4s, and taking advantage of certain tax credits can assist in boosting the size of your refund. Additionally, PriorTax free dedicated Tax Professional can help you determine which credits give you the greatest tax refund.

Review your Form W-4 with our Tax Professional for Tax Refunds Over Looked

Before beginning a new job, your employer requires you to fill out Form W-4. This form conveys how much federal income tax needs to be taken from your paycheck. The quantity of taxes deducted from wages depends on the combination of income and credits declared in the W-4 document.

Are you reviewing your W-4? It’s time to decide. Are you aiming for a bigger refund or a bigger paycheck? With less taken out of each pay period, you can count on receiving larger wages throughout the tax year.

tax refund

Elements to review when amending your Form W-4 may include.

When filing your W-4, there are crucial elements to take into account. By claiming credits such as the Child Tax Credit or the Other Dependent Credit, you are reducing the amount of money being withheld from your paycheck.

When you are in the process of filling out a Tax Form W-4, there are several things that you must keep in mind. For starters, you may need to adjust the amount of withholding on your taxes should you have multiple sources of income, like an extra job or investments.

When filling out your W-4 form, there are a few points that you should bear in mind. These include the possibility of withholding extra money from each paycheck for income tax purposes.

By indicating more income on your W-4 form, your paychecks will be smaller since greater tax amounts will be taken out. This increases the possibility of withholding too much, which may result in a bigger tax refund.

When you anticipate certain credits or deductions, the potential implications are clear; bigger paychecks and possibly owing some extra tax or receiving a smaller refund. To make sure you enter accurate information on your W-4 form, consider using a our Prior Tax Calculator. It is designed to provide a reliable estimate of what should be entered.

Reconsider your Tax Filing Status.

The selection of a filing status can have an effect on getting a refund. Your filing status decides several important elements, such as your standard deduction, whether you have to file taxes, the credits available to you, and how much tax you pay or refund you get.

When filing their taxes, individuals have multiple statuses to select from. Most commonly, people opt for married filing jointly or separately, single person, or head of household designations.

Having an experienced, dedicated Prior Tax Professional on your side is essential to ensure the best outcome for you, from the beginning of the process through to completion. They will help you decide which options work best for your particular circumstances to maximize your tax refund.

Look into Claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit

Reap the rewards of the Earned Income Tax Credit. Are you a working family, an independent contractor, or someone with moderate to low income? Then you may be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit. This tax break reduces taxable liability and could result in a sizable refund!

In order for you to be qualified, the following criteria must be met: you should have a valid Social Security number and be either a U.S. citizen, a year-long resident alien, or a non-resident alien married and filing jointly with an American citizen or resident alien. Additionally, there must be verifiable income from self-employment, an employer, or working on a farm, not including any person being claimed as a dependent or child of another individual. Lastly, those in the age range between 25 and 65 living in the United States for at least half of the year are eligible.

And in order to receive the EITC, you must file a tax return, even if you owe no taxes, which you can read more about here.

Have you Claimed the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit?

Make sure you take advantage of the Child and Dependent Care Credit. Available to those with a qualifying child or dependent, this credit is based on a percentage of what you paid for care-related expenses.

As of the 2022 tax year, a maximum amount of $3,000 in expenses can be claimed by one individual and $6,000 by multiple. It is important to remember that any dependent care benefits provided by an employer must be factored into this deduction total.

Important Qualifications

Are you the parent of an individual who is 13 or younger? Or do you have someone dependent on you due to physical or mental impairments and living in your household for the majority of the year? How about your spouse, who is unable to look after themselves and reside with you throughout the year? These may all be qualifying individuals.

Some Other Criteria Must be Considered.

In order for you, as a parent or guardian, to be eligible for the credit, there are various conditions that must be fulfilled. 

It is necessary that your filing status is not married, filing separately, and none of the caregivers are your spouses or parents of the child. Moreover, each dependent being claimed must have a valid Social Security number. As well you must provide the full name, address, and Social Security number of all care providers.

The American Rescue Plan set to be effective in 2022 brings forth some noteworthy modifications to the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. The plan markedly enhances the expense amount that can qualify as creditable, lessens the impact of income levels on it, and makes it completely refundable. This implies that you can claim this tax credit regardless of whether or not you owe the government taxes – something that has yet to be possible.

In a nutshell

Picking the right tax filing status related to your circumstances can reduce your taxes and amplify the tax refund you will receive. Utilizing our Prior Tax Calculator is an ideal way to forecast what needs to be entered on your W-4 and adjust the return amount when tax preparation rolls around. Should you qualify, claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit can lessen your tax bill and potentially generate a refund even when no taxes are owed?

Ensure you get the most from your tax return by leveraging a dedicated PriorTax Tax Professional. With our support, get started-to-finish service and never worry about filing with confidence. Our Free Dedicated Tax Professional helps you through the process with expert guidance and assistance. Answer straightforward questions and benefit from our guarantee of maximum refunds. However, you choose to handle it, know that PriorTax will take care of everything so that you can relax this tax season.


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