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IRS Prior Income Tax Tables
Taxes can be confusing - these tax tables can help you sort them out

These income tax charts will help you figure out how much you owe for prior year taxes

Did you forget about taxes on year? Or maybe for a couple years? Not a problem. On PriorTax you can take care of any tax return you missed from 2005 to the current year. With tax season just around the corner, now is the perfect time to catch up on any prior year taxes you haven’t filed.

These tax tables, for the tax years 2005-2012, will let you know what the brackets and tax rates looked like for those years. You will notice that the tables are all very similar – every year they are just tweaked a little to account for inflation.

On the table for the year you need to file, find your filing status and then the row with your taxable income. The corresponding rate is your marginal tax rate. Do note that your effective tax rate will likely be much lower.


2013 Income Tax Table

Single      Married Filing Jointly Married Filing Separately Head of Household Tax Rate
$0 – $9,075 $0 – $18,150 $0 – $9,075 $0 – $12,950 10%
$9,076 – $36,900 $18,151 – $73,800 $9,076 – $36,900 $12,951 – $49,400 15%
$36,901 – $89,350 $73,801 – $148,850 $36,901 – $74,425 $49,401 – $127,550 25%
$89,351 – $186,350 $148,851 – $226,850 $74,426 – $113,425 $127,551 – $206,600 28%
$186,351 – $405,100 $226,851 – $405,100 $113,426 – $202,550 $206,601 – $405,100 33%
$405,101 – $406,750 $405,101 – $457,600 $202,551 – $228,800 $405,101 – $432,200 35%

Any amount over this for your filing status will is taxed at 39.6%.


2012 Income Tax Table

Single      Married Filing Jointly Married Filing Separately Head of Household Tax Rate
$0 – $8,700 $0 – $17,400 $0 – $8,700 $0 – $12,400 10%
$8,701 – $35,350 $17,401 – $70,700 $8,701 – $35,350 $12,401 – $47,350 15%
$35,351 – $85,650 $70,701 – $142,700 $35,351 – $71,350 $47,351 – $122,300 25%
$85,651 – $178,650 $142,701 – $217,450 $71,351 – $108,725 $122,301 – $198,050 28%
$178,651 – $388,350 $217,451 – $388,350 $108,726 – $194,175 $198,051 – $388,350 33%
$388,350+ $388,350+ $194,175+ $388,350+ 35%


2011 Income Tax Table

Single Income Married Filing Jointly Income Married Filing Separately Income Head of Household Income Tax Rate
$0 – $8,500 $0 – $17,000 $0 – $8,500 $0 – $12,150 10%
$8,501 – $34,500 $17,001 – $69,000 $8,501 – $34,500 $12,151 – $46,250 15%
$34,501 – $83,600 $69,001 – $139,350 $34,501 – $69,675 $46,251 – $119,400 25%
$83,601 – $174,400 $139,351 – $212,300 $69,676 – $106,150 $119,401 – $193,350 28%
$174,401 – $379,150 $212,301 – $379,150 $106,151 – $189,575 $193,351 – $379,150 33%
$379,150+ $379,150+ $189,575+ $379,150+ 35%


2010 Income Tax Table

Single Income Married Filing Jointly Income Married Filing Separately Income Head of Household Income Tax Rate
$0 – $8,375 $0 – $16,750 $0 – $8,375 $0 – $11,950 10%
$8,376 – $34,000 $16,751 – $68,000 $8,376 – $34,000 $11,951 – $45,550 15%
$34,001 – $82,400 $68,001 – $137,300 $34,001 – $68,650 $45,551 – $117,650 25%
$82,401 – $171,850 $137,301 – $209,250 $68,651 – $104,625 $117,650 – $190,550 28%
$171,851 – $373,650 $209,251 – $373,650 $104,626 – $186,825 $190,551 – $373,650 33%
$373,650+ $373,650+ $186,825+ $373,650+ 35%


2009 Income Tax Table

Single Income Married Filing Jointly Income Married Filing Separately Income Head of Household Income Tax Rate
$0 – $8,350 $0 – $16,700  $0 – $8,350 $0 – $11,950 10%
$8,351 – $33,950 $16,701 – $67,900 $8,351 – $33,950 $11,951 – $45,500 15%
$33,951 – $82,250 $67,901 – $137,050 $33,951 – $68,525 $45,501 – $117,450 25%
$82,251 – $171,550 $137,051 – $208,850 $68,526 – $104,425 $117,451 – $190,200 28%
$171,551 – $372,950 $208,851 – $372,950 $104,426 – $186,475 $190,201 – $372,950 33%
$372,950+ $372,950+ $186,475+ $372,950+ 35%


2008 Income Tax Table

Single Income Married Filing Jointly Income Married Filing Separately Income Head of Household Income Tax Rate
$0 – $8,025 $0 – $16,050 $0 – $8,025 $0 – $11,450 10%
$8,026 – $32,550 $16,051 – $65,100 $8,026 – $32,550 $11,451 – $43,650 15%
$32,551 – $78,850 $65,101 – $131,450 $32,551 – $65,725 $43,651 – $112,650 25%
$78,851 – $164,550 $131,451 – $200,300 $65,726 – $100,150 $112,651 – $182,400 28%
$164,551 – $357,700 $200,301 – $357,700 $100,151 – $178,850 $182,401 – $357,700 33%
$357,700+ $357,700+ $178,850+ $357,700+ 35%


2007 Income Tax Table

Single Income Married Filing Jointly Income Married Filing Separately Income Head of Household Income Tax Rate
$0 – $7,825  $0 – $15,650 $0 – $7,825 $0 – $11,200 10%
$7,826 – $31,850 $15,651 – $63,700 $7,826 – $31,850 $11,201 – $42,650 15%
$31,851 – $77,100 $63,701 – $128,500 $31,851 – $64,250 $42,651 – $110,100 25%
$77,101 – $160,850 $128,501 – $195,850 $64,251 – $97,925 $110,101 – $178,350 28%
$160,851 – $349,700 $195,851 – $349,700 $97,926 – $174,850 $178,351 – $349,700 33%
$349,700+ $349,700+ $174,850+ $349,700+ 35%


2006 Income Tax Table

Single Income Married Filing Jointly Income Married Filing Separately Income Head of Household Income Tax Rate
$0 – $7,550 $0 – $15,100 $0 – $7,550 $0- $10,750 10%
$7,551 – $30,650 $15,101 – $61,300 $7,551 – $30,650 $10,751 – $41,050 15%
$30,651 –  $74,200 $61,301 – $123,700 $30,651 – $61,850 $41,051 – $106,000 25%
$74,201 – $154,800 $123,701 – $188,450 $61,851 – $94,225 $106,001 – $171,650 28%
$154,801 – $336,550 $188,451 – $336,550 $94,226 – $168,275 $171,651 – $336,550 33%
$336,550+ $336,550+ $168,275+ $336,550+ 35%


2005 Income Tax Table

Single Income Married Filing Jointly Income Married Filing Separately Income Head of Household Income Tax Rate
$0 – $7,300 $0 – $14,600  $0 – $7,300 $0 – $10,450 10%
$7,301 – $29,700 $14,601 – $59,400 $7,301 – $29,700 $10,451 – $39,800 15%
$29,701 – $71,950 $59,401 – $119,950 $29,701 – $59,975 $39,801 – $102,800 25%
$71,951 – $150,150 $119,951 – $182,800 $59,976 – $91,400 $102,801 – $166,450 28%
$150,151 – $326,450 $182,801 – $326,450 $91,401 – $163,225 $166,451 – $326,450 33%
$326,450+ $326,450+ $163,225+ $326,450+ 35%

Photo via 401 (K) 2013 on Flickr. 


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