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Hawaii State Tax Refund Status

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Hawaii State Tax Refund Status
Hawaii State Tax Refund Status

Aloha! Let’s check that Hawaii refund status, shall we?

Hawaii may seem far off from the rest of the U.S. with it’s amazing weather and coconut trees. Don’t worry, though. The IRS could never forget a state with the second highest tax rates in the country (shout out to NY in #1!). Whether you’re expecting a refund or not, we’ll give you the lowdown on checking your return status. It’s pretty easy!

Check your refund status online.

You can check the status of your refund online. All you need to do is enter your Social Security number and the amount of your refund and you should be able to see what stage of processing your return is in.

Hawaii takes a long time to update the status of your return on its website. The IRS usually makes your information available on Where’s My Refund in a matter of days, but Hawaii says it can take up to four weeks for them to update your status information.

Check your refund status by phone.

If after four weeks you still believe there is a problem with your return, you can call Taxpayer Services in Oahu at 808-587-4242 or 1-800-222-3229 (toll-free).

How long can I expect it to take to receive my refund?

Hawaii also tends to be a little on the slow side when it comes to issuing tax refunds. According to the Department of Taxation, most people should get their refund money within eight weeks of filing their return. Doubtless, you will note that this is quite a bit longer than the twenty-one days within which most people get their refunds from the IRS and longer even than most other states.

Also, it may take longer than eight weeks if you file close to the deadline, as the department then has to deal with a massive crush of returns all coming in at once. Errors with your return will also cause delays.

Did you know Hawaii’s deadline date is different?

Hawaii is also unique in that it has a later tax filing deadline than the federal government and most states. While the typical deadline date for the rest of the U.S. states tends to fall around April 15th, Hawaii tax returns are usually due closer to April 20th. So if you’re running late, you’ve got a couple extra days to work on your state return after you file your federal.

Don’t know where to file?

Funny you should mention that. With PriorTax, you can prepare and file your federal or state tax returns.


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22 Responses to “Hawaii State Tax Refund Status”


  1. angeles ildefonso

    i have not received my state tax refund for my amended 2011 tax return prepared on 4/2/13 in the amount of $224. i already received my federal tax refund. please update me. thank u.

    • admin

      Hi Angeles,

      For information about your refund you will have to contact the state directly.

  2. aulii cleveland

    I mailed my taxes back in February. I am to be refunded $602.00. I have not received it yet, & everyday I check the refund status, & it says that it hasn’t been processed yet. Other family memners have mailed theirs same time, and have received theirs. Where is my refund?

  3. Barbara Viernes

    We’ve been waiting patiently for our state tax refund for
    About 6 months now! We filed in February of 2013!
    We received our federal but no state yet!!! What’s going on
    And what’s being done! We work really hard for our earnings
    And I believe we should receive our refunds when it’s due to us!
    However we waited this long a little longer I guess won’t hurt!!

  4. Gary Marshall

    As recently as last year Hawaii refunds took a similar amount of time as the Federal, 7 to 10 days.
    Now Hawaii takes 8 weeks!!!
    Did Hawaii return the state back to the Hawaiian Kingdom when I wasn’t looking?

  5. Yvette K. Ikawa

    It’s been over two months since I mailed in my state taxes … Searched on line said refund was sent … Two weeks ago … Still havn’t received … I tried calling and got cut off several times … Please contact me at 808-935-1168 day or cell 808-936-7117 ..
    Thank you

    • admin

      Hi Yvette,

      Waiting for your refund can be extremely frustrating! Since your return was mailed to the state of Hawaii already, you will need to contact them directly. I was able to access their website and noticed that they have updated their contact page so you may want to try the phone number listed now.

      If you prepared your return with Priortax.com, please do not hesitate to give us a call and we will assist you as best we can!

  6. Jake

    I recently checked the status of my refund and got the message of ” your return has been processed however our records show you are not owed a return” . According to what I filled I’m owed 303. What does it mean?

    • admin

      Hi Jake,

      You could be receiving this message for several different reasons. I would advise you to contact the IRS to see where the mistake was made. It sounds as though your tax refund was miscalculated by your tax preparer OR incorrect information was provided on your tax return.

  7. Veronica

    I just checked on my refund status and its says its been proceeded already and no refund is owed to me…What does that mean, cause I filed my federal and state together and received my federal and its been over three months since filing and still haven’t recieved refund…Why is it saying I’m not owed any state tax refund..

    • admin

      Hi Veronica,

      Based on what you mentioned above, you are checking the IRS Where’s My Refund tool. Is this correct? You’ll need to check your state tax refund status with your state’s online tool or give them a call directly.

  8. Eleanor Aweau

    What does this mean ? I got this when I checked for my hawaii state tax redund.

    Your tax return has been processed, however we show that no refund is due.

    Help please

    • admin

      The state is indicating that you will not be issued a refund. If you are expected to receive a refund from the Hawaii, it is in your best interest to contact your state authority for more information. Please be aware that if you filed a late state tax return, you may have forfeited your refund due to your state’s statute of limitation.

      • Vernon Hunnings

        Just checking the status of my tax return as I do expect a refund due to a HARPTA tax collection. I have not been contacted by the Dept of Taxation as of today.



        • admin

          Hello Vernon,
          You may check your status on your State Department of Revenue website.

  9. lokahi

    my refund status also reads

    Your tax return has been processed, however we show that no refund is due

    I know I filed my taxes before the deadline so why is my own state trying to steal from me? where is my refund?

    • admin

      Hello Lokahi,

      Your return may be under further review from your state. We highly advise that you go to your Hawaii state department revenue website to find out further information and to contact them if it has been more than 10 weeks since you have mailed or e-filed your return.

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  11. Kahea

    It says my refund Wes processed and should receive it by February7 and still haven’t got it but everyone else that said they will get it on February 9 received there’s.

    • admin

      It appears that there is a delay in your refund. Check your bank details and contact the state department for an updated status about your refund.

  12. tiffany

    i check my state taxes return and it tell me Your tax return has been processed, however we show that no refund is due???
    what does this mean i don’t owe the state anything i filed everything correctly i don’t understand what going on this never happen to me before …. please help thank you and aloha

    • admin

      Hawaii takes time when issuing tax refunds. According to the Department of Taxation, most people should get their refund within eight weeks You may contact the state department for a status update.

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