Home Blogs Category: Tax and Life Changes

Category: Tax and Life Changes

Life changes and your taxes go hand in hand; believe it or not. That being said, it’s easy to forget about your tax return as a newlywed or when you’re welcoming a newborn into the family. Be aware that many of these changes also make you eligible for deductions and credits on your tax return. In some cases, you may need to update your W-4 form as well. PriorTax will keep you up to date on what to do when these life changes occur. You won’t be left in the dark.

Check back here for answers to your questions about how these changes affect your taxes.


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New Tax Plan: Trump’s Six Big Changes

New Tax Plan: Trump’s Six Big Changes

Is Trump’s new tax plan making filing simpler, or is it really just a helping hand for the wealthy? We’re reminded daily of the new guy in town…or office. Whether that reminder comes from seeing his face on a t-shirt or a protester’s sign outside your office window is a different story. Let’s put the […]

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Obamacare VS. Trumpcare: 3 Ways Taxes Will Be Affected

Obamacare VS. Trumpcare: 3 Ways Taxes Will Be Affected

Obamacare made it through the election. Will it stay on your tax return? Every new president brings on a new aura for Americans to bask in, and while emotions run high, opinions begin to surface. Suddenly, cheerful holiday dinners turn into political debates. Some chime in while the rest of us are just trying to decide between […]

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1099-C Defined: Handling Past Due Debt

1099-C Defined: Handling Past Due Debt

So you’ve accrued a bit of debt. It’s not the end of the world. Debt is stressful, overbearing and can build up quickly. When this happens, you may need to eliminate it altogether. In a situation when you need to cancel your debt completely, you would contact your creditor and they’d issue you form 1099-C, as […]

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What Are Allowances on a W-4?

What Are Allowances on a W-4?

You must pay tax to the IRS but your W-4 form lets you decide when to pay it. When beginning a new job, you may remember your employer handing over a W-4 form (along with the pile of other paperwork) to fill out. Your W-4 form determines how much tax is withheld from your income […]

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Do Back Taxes Affect Your Credit Score?

Do Back Taxes Affect Your Credit Score?

Credit and taxes are both pretty high up there on the adult responsibility ladder. Putting them together kinda makes you want to hide under a rock. Don’t worry. You don’t need to know everything about credit (or taxes) in order to start taking steps in the right direction. You’ll learn what you need to along […]

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How to Complete a W-4 if You’re Married

How to Complete a W-4 if You’re Married

Tie the knot in your life and also on your taxes. The honeymoon is over and it’s back to reality. With such a huge change in your life, it’s important to pay attention to how it will affect your taxes. Once the wedding bells in your head subside, update your W-4 form with your employer. […]

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How to File your First Tax Return

How to File your First Tax Return

Filing your first tax return is a bit like doing your laundry. You don’t want to do it. You’d prefer someone just did it for you. But if you don’t do it, you know there will be consequences.  Unlike laundry, you’ll need to do a bit more sorting, as in sorting through of all those […]

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Reporting Dependent Income on My Tax Return

Reporting Dependent Income on My Tax Return

Have you been claiming your kid as a dependent since they were in Pampers? If yes, read on… Now your child just got their first job and is earning an income. Great news: you won’t have to pay them a weekly allowance for the sub-par chores they keep complaining about anymore. Not-so-good news: they’ve entered into the […]

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I’m Divorced: How Do I File My Taxes?

I’m Divorced: How Do I File My Taxes?

Filing your taxes should not be hard after you divorce. Going through a divorce can be emotionally draining and a financial burden. The good news is that filing your taxes doesn’t have to be. Preparing your tax return is the very last thought on your mind right now. We’re here to help! You can prepare your tax […]

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What You Need to Know about Working Remotely Taxes

What You Need to Know about Working Remotely Taxes

Working remotely taxes can be confusing, especially if you live in one state and work for a company located in another state. For most, working remotely from home is much more convenient than commuting to a job. There’s no train rides, sitting in traffic or obnoxious co-workers to sit next to. However, trading in your […]

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