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Are You Looking for 2013 Tax Forms?

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Are You Looking for 2013 Tax Forms?
Are You Looking for 2013 Tax Forms?

We have you covered: here are all of the major federal 2013 tax forms!





Schedule A

Schedule B

Schedule C

Schedule D

Schedule SE


These forms will only cover the requirements of a basic federal tax return. The forms needed for a 2013 state tax return are a bit trickier to get your hands on. For these, you would have to visit your state’s government website. 

But wait…. You don’t need any 2013 tax forms if you prepare your return online with PriorTax.

That’s right! Let us help you. Using Priortax.com streamlines the whole tedious job. All you need to do is create an account and start filling in your basic information. It is free to start and as you enter your credentials, we will let you know your refund amount. On top of that, we have a team of tax professionals ready to help you every step of the way via free phone support, live-chat and email. You can even still claim your 2013 tax refund if you file by April 15, 2017!

Not sure about filing online? Think you should hire an accountant instead?

Back in the day, an accountant was the typical Plan B… even Plan A for some of us. Unfortunately, accountants come with a hefty price-tag, not to mention that you still need to sit with them to discuss all of your statements and receipts. Why not cut down on the time you’re wasting and not to mention keep some dollars in your wallet?

Still not convinced? Here are a few figures to put the task at hand into perspective for you:


Prior Tax Forms 2013



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