Home Blogs April 17, 2012 Is the Last Chance to Get a 2008 Tax Refund

April 17, 2012 Is the Last Chance to Get a 2008 Tax Refund

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April 17, 2012 Is the Last Chance to Get a 2008 Tax Refund
April 17 Is the Last Chance to Get a 2008 Tax Refund

Late tax filers have three years after the original return due date to file and get a refund

The tax deadline is just a week away – April 17th, don’t forget! – and most people are scrambling to get their 2011 tax returns finished and filed with the IRS. But there’s another year you should be worried about too: 2008.

What’s so special about 2008 you might ask? Well, April 17, 2012 is the last day you can get a tax refund from filing a late 2008 return.

You see, the way the statute of limitations work, you have three years after the original deadline to file your late tax returns and still get a refund, and the IRS has a full ten years to go after people who owe them back taxes.

You can still file after three years has elapsed, you just won’t get any money back. But why not file your 2008 taxes now? Why sacrifice money you’re entitled to?

Lots of late filers automatically assume that they owe money and on top of that are going to get slammed with harsh IRS late penalties. They assume it’s better to hide than to face the IRS.

On the contrary, the truth is just the opposite for most people. Late filers are actually more likely than regular filers to get a refund back. Plus, if you are due a refund, you won’t have to pay any penalties at all. And even if you do owe back taxes, and thus penalties, the only way to minimize your burden of debt is to file sooner rather than later. So really, you have nothing to lose.

Not to mention the fact that 2008 was a particularly lucrative year for taxpayers. As the economy went into a tailspin, with a recession the likes of which the country hadn’t seen since the end of World War II, the government implemented a number of relief measures that resulted in unusually high tax refunds, including

  • A 0% tax rate for qualified dividends and net capital gains that were brought down to 0% for taxpayers with incomes under $42,600
  • An increased Earned Income Credit that can provide a sizable refund for low-income taxpayers with children
  • The First-Time Homebuyer Credit which could provide you with a $7,500 credit if you bought a main residence between April 9, 2008 and June 30, 2009.
  • The Residential Energy-Efficient Property Credit for qualifying solar electric, solar water heating, fuel cell, small wind energy, and geothermal property
  • Disaster assistance and emergency tax relief for the Midwest disaster areas, including liberalized rules for casualty loss deductions.

Don’t forgo a late tax refund just because you’re too lazy or scared to file. This is your last chance. Wouldn’t it be a pleasant spring surprise if you suddenly found you had more than one tax refund to spend? There’s only a week left before the deadline, but PriorTax will get your late taxes done fast.

Photo via Alexander Boden on Flickr.


82 Responses to “April 17, 2012 Is the Last Chance to Get a 2008 Tax Refund”


  1. Kim

    What if i’m 2hrs late filing my 2008 return? I couldn’t efile(b/c it’s 3yrs late) and had to print, hand deliver to a 24hr Post Office far away and it was time stamped at 2:00am on April 18th, 2012! I’m owed money, will they be nice and let 2hrs slide or will they say ‘tough luck’?

    • admin

      Hi Kim,

      If you are due a refund, there are never any penalties for filing late, so you’re in the clear! Besides, I don’t think the IRS would punish you for being two hours late anyway. They usually give people a little leeway.

  2. pam

    I filed my 2008 return last month,so, how long will it take to receive a refund?

    • admin

      Hi Pam,

      It usually takes the IRS six to eight weeks to process paper returns. If you requested a paper refund check instead of direct deposit, it will take a little longer than that. So if you filed last month I should think you’d get your refund within the few weeks.

  3. Roderickm

    we file our 2008 tax return in Feruaury 21,2012. We were due a refund requesting direct deposit. Please reply, will it take longer than 12 weeks.. Thank you for your reply.

    • admin

      Hi Roderickm,

      Normally is should only take 6-8 weeks for the IRS to process a return like this. Your return could have been flagged for an audit, or the IRS processing may just be backed up. You can use the Where’s My Refund tool on the IRS website to get more information or call 1-800-829-1040 to speak to a representative.


    I file my 2008 tax return in April 3 ,2012. My tax man send it by regular mail but we were requesting direct deposit. When Ihe IRS will be deposit my refund in my Bank Account? Please reply. Thanks a lot.

    Ana B.

    • admin

      Hi Ana,

      Your refund should take get to you in about 6-8 weeks, which should be any day now. Do note that returns filed in April may be subject to delays because of the crush of returns the IRS gets around the deadline. You can always use the Where’s My Refund tool on the IRS website to check the status of your refund.

  5. Darcy

    Hello! Please help. We filed our 2008 taxes this year (married filing joint) and sent them off on April 2nd, 2012. We are due to receive a refund. I have been checking with the ‘Where’s my refund’ option on the IRS’s website…However, it keeps telling me that there is no information. Finally, I called them today and the lady that I spoke with told me that it is in the “Statute of Limitations Department’ and that they’re trying to determine if they will release the funds or not because they’re stating that they didn’t receive them until April 16th. The lady at the IRS’s office that I spoke with said that the LAST dayto file and *GET* a refund this year was April 15th. Should I be worried? Will we still be getting our refund? Have you heard of this happening before? Should I call and talk with someone else? I’ve read several sites that say that the LAST day this year (2012) to file 2008 taxes and still get a refund was April 17th. So, even IF they DID get my taxes on the 16th, I should STILL be okay…Right? Please help – I’m stressing over here! THANK you so much for your time – I appreciate it!

    Stressed out Procrastinator,

    • admin

      Hi Darcy,

      The official word from the IRS is that “an original return claiming a refund would have to be filed within 3 years of its due date for a refund to be allowed in most instances.” Strictly speaking this probably is the 15th, but most people just assume it’s the Tax Day three years after the original Tax Day it was due. It seems ridiculous you should be punished for a day, under the circumstances.

      But really this is a moot point. Your tax return is considered filed the day it is postmarked, not the day the IRS receives it. This is to prevent taxpayers from being punished for the incompetency of the postal service. If you really did mail it off on April 2nd, you are well within the deadline and deserve your money. Give them a call back and quote their own website to them if you need to: “Your return is considered filed timely if the envelope is properly addressed and postmarked no later than April 15.”

      Here’s the link – http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc301.html

      Definitely don’t give up and don’t let one ignorant person at the IRS stand between you and your money!


    Thanks a bunch for your helpful information. Have a nice weekend


    Refund Status Results
    Administration team,

    I am still waiting for my refund and has been 8 weeks since the IRS received my taxes for 2008 in certified mail. I checking in the IRS site ” Where is My refund ” and this is what they responded to me. Why they said they cannot provide any information. It is something wrong.

    We cannot provide any information about your refund.
    If you file a complete and accurate tax return, your refund will be issued:

    * within six weeks of the received date.

    Processing may take longer under certain circumstances. Be sure to:

    * verify your filing date; or
    * check with your tax preparer.”

    Would you tell me what is going on?

    Thanks again for your time


    • Edward

      Alright, first I will give you info of what happened to mine. I had filed on the 2nd, it was aecpcted by the IRS the same day. At my account with Turbo Tax which had told me it was aecpcted, it gave me an estimated date I would recieve it, which was the 12th. they get this from the IRS which the IRS does this to give estimates of about when someone will get their return per their acceptance date. When it finally showed up at the IRS website for Where’s My Refund, it told me I should recieve my return BY Feb. 16th (Tues,) so long as no errors are found etc as it was still processing. Last night it was still telling me this. Now, I went back today and it is telling me: Refund Status ResultsYour tax refund is scheduled to be direct deposited on February 12, 2010. If your refund is not credited to your account by February 17, 2010, check with your bank to find out if it has been received. Please wait until February 17, 2010 before you contact us again because we are unable to take any action until then. Now this means that it has been processed and basically they are just waiting for Friday to have it sent out to be deposited in my account. When the IRS accepts your return, it just means they are accepting the Social Security #’s on it, but they haven’t officially gone through it to check for possible mistakes. In other words, they received the return, they just haven’t verified everything is correct yet. Usually you will get a notice similar to what I have gotten on Tues at midnight if you are going to get your return shortly.

  8. kiwi

    I realized that after moving two weeks ago and finding my w-2 that I.didn’t file.for that year. It was around june 24th. Will the IRS give me the refund that’s expected or did I wait to late and miss out on like $4,000?

    • kiwi

      The tax year was 2008

    • admin

      Hi Kiwi,

      Unfortunately, you can only get refunds for three years after the original due date of the return. That means the last chance to get a 2008 refund was April 17, 2012. You should still file your return, but you won’t get any money back.

      • kiwi

        I meant my 2009 federal return, does that make a difference?

        • admin

          Hi Kiwi,

          Yes that does make a difference. You can still get a refund from a 2009 return until April 15, 2013.

  9. Rich S.


    Similar situation to Darcy above. 2008 tax return mailed to IRS on 12 April 2012 via Certified Mail / Return Receipt. IRS logged it in on 16 April. They denied the refund. But the IRS WEB site indicates that 2008 tax returns must be postmarked on or before 17 April to qualify for a refund, not 15 April. Many media and CPA WEB sites (including yours) have also reported 17 April as the cut-off. I’m not trying to justify procrastination but if the IRS publishes a date then they should be held to it !

    • admin

      Hi Rich,

      You’re absolutely right. Not only does that page state pretty explicitly that you have until April 17, but your return is considered on time as long as it is postmarked by the due date – the IRS does not have to accept it by the due date. As long as yours was postmarked by the 12th, you should be in the clear. Give the IRS a call at 1-800-829-1040 and point this out to them. If that doesn’t work, you may want to familiarize your with this page.

  10. Darcy

    Just an update – My refund is *STILL* in the Statutue of Limitations hands – and I’m STILL at their mercy. I have now been appointed a Tax Advocate because the IRS said they would have an answer for me by June 29th and I’ve YET to receive one. I spoke to my Tax Advocate today and he has ordered documents that “should take two weeks to get.” I will talk with him again on July 23rd. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY REDICULOUS! I really hope they can get this figured out ASAP and that my refund will be in my bank account soon – Besides this being overwhelmingly frustrating, I have bills NEEDING to be paid.

    ***DO YOU KNOW IF THERE IS ANY WAY OF CONTACTING SOMEONE DIRECTLY AT THE STATUTUE OF LIMITATIONS OFFICE?*** (Not yelling 🙂 ) Thank you so much, again, for all of the time you put into helping us. It is VERY MUCH appreciated 🙂

  11. Richard

    I paid my taxes in 2007 and 2008 (with checks). now the IRS says they dont have my tax return forms. During this time I used an accountant (who has disappeared) It looks like I overpaid my taxes and no filing was done////what can I do to fix this. appreciate any help.

    • admin

      Hi Richard,

      Did you mail in the returns and the checks to the IRS yourself or give them to this faulty accountant? If you gave them to him, there’s a chance they never did get in, but if you mailed them yourself, the IRS should have them. The best thing to do is probably give the IRS a call at 1-800-829-1040.

  12. Jenny Pérez

    Hi i file my Taxes return 2008 on 4/24/2012. Can i steal qualify for a refund. Thanks for your help.

    • admin

      Hi Jenny,

      The last chance to get a refund for your 2008 taxes was on April 17. Sorry! Looks like you were just a little too late. If you haven’t filed 2009, 2010, or 2011 taxes you should do so now to make sure you don’t miss out on any more refunds.

  13. Darcy

    First off, I want to THANK YOU SO MUCH for ALL of your help! You’re AMAZING!

    *UPDATE* – I was appointed a Tax Care Advocate. He ordered copies of my taxes including the post marked envelope – *I* was right and the *IRS* was wrong about the date they were sent off and filed – YAY! I ***WILL*** be getting my 2008 refund – Thank God! It will be sent off on Aug. 10th and I should have it w/in a week from the day they send it off. I’ve learned TWO very hard lessons – ONE, FILE ON TIME!!! Do NOT procrastinate sending off, filing, paying, etc your taxes – It only hurts you and causes you a HUGE gigantic headache! and Two, IF you know, beyond a shadow of doubt (which I did) that you were right – BE PERSISTANT and DILIGENT. After all, the ‘squeeky wheel gets the oil’.

    Again, THANK YOU soooooooo much for ALL of your help! I appreciate it so very much! NOW, I will be getting my refund just in time to help out with buying school supplies and school clothes for my four boys – And maybe I’ll even have enough left over to feed them 😉 Ahhh, who am I kidding – Boys are bottomless pits! THANK YOU!

    Reformed Procrastinator 😉

  14. Lyn


    I mailed my 2008 tax return, with a postmark of Apr 13, 2012. I checked on USPS and IRS received it o Apr 15, 2012.
    Its now August 6, 2012 and I have not heard anything. I sent it certified mail so I have a USPS tracking but I dont have a return receipt. Will that affect me??

    I know that the past year tax return does not show up on ” Where’s my refund?”. I’ve tried calling IRS but i can’t seem to be able to speak to anyone. I keep getting on hold for about 30 mins, and then get disconnected. I also have a hard time on the automated machine before I finally gets to speak to an operator who then tries to transfer me but I get on hold again.

    Is there a different number I can call? Or what departments or info do I have to key in the automated system so I get transferred to a representative I can speak to?

    Please help as I have called about 6 times now, try punching all numbers to get an operator, and only to be on hold for about 30 mins before getting disconnected. !!!

    What do I do as I would really like to get my refund!! Please help!! Thanks!!!

    • admin

      Hi Lyn,

      All I can tell you is to keep trying the IRS. The number you should be calling is 1-800-829-1040. Once there, if you keep pressing “0” you should be able to bypass the automated messaging system and go straight to a live representative. Unfortunately, the IRS alone knows what’s going on with your return, so you have to speak to them if you want any information.

  15. Mai Lam-Cochrane


    I have been going through a divorce for 3 years now and recently found out my husband never filed our taxes in 2008.
    I just submitted it last month, any chance the IRS would understand my situation and refund me the $3000 to me?

    Thank you.

  16. Tanika

    I filed my 2008 refund in february 2012, jackson and hewitt never sent it off as they promised to do. I jad to end up sending them in may of 2012. Will i still qualify to get my refund back?

    • admin

      Hi Tanika,

      If your 2008 return wasn’t mailed to the IRS until May, you won’t be able to get your refund. You could try calling the IRS to plead your case (1-800-829-1040), but I doubt that it will do any good.

  17. Darcy

    I got my refund!!!! *WOOHOO* Thank you again for your help!

    • admin

      Happy to help. I’m glad all of your headache finally paid off.

  18. Carol

    If I am owed a refund on my taxes for 2008 which were filed after April 15th, and therefore not eligible to receive payment, can I use that amount I would have been refunded as a deduction of lost income on my 2009 tax return.

    Thank you.

    • admin

      Hi Carol,

      That 2008 refund is gone. You cannot use it for anything.

  19. Jay

    I mailed my 2008 taxes on April 17th of 2012. I just called the IRS to inquire as to where my refund is and they said the cut off was April 15th of 2012 (3 years after the cutoff in 2008). This thread is saying that it is April 17th. Can you point me to a link on the IRS site that confirms it was April 17th of 2012? What steps can I take to receive my refund? Thank you.

    • admin

      Hi Jay,

      Here’s the official word from the IRS: “An original return claiming a refund would have to be filed within 3 years of its due date for a refund to be allowed in most instances.” Technically this would be April 15, if you are filing a 2008 refund. Generally speaking most people just treat it as the tax day three years after. You might be able to call and convince them to give it to you, but they are within their rights not to. The best policy is to file your return well before the deadline every year.

  20. Omar

    Hi I send a 2008 return on April 17 and it was postmarked but they say that they received on April 20 and therefore say I am not entitled it was an ITIN RETURN I received the ITINS but no refund I filed it with a delivery confirmation receipt but I can’t find it I mean I did turn in the return on time What can I do they already told me to send in the receipt but can’t find it

    • admin

      Hi Omar,

      The most you can do is call the IRS back (1-800-829-1040) and explain to them that the return was postmarked by April 17. Since, however, Tax Day in 2008 was on April 15, and you have three years from the original due date to claim your refund, they might not let you have it even if your return was postmarked by the 17th.

  21. Lee


    Well I never filled for any tax return and worked for the same company for the past 4 years.Just need to know if its possible to file for all the previous years and if the will be any penalties.

    Also need to know if I need to have the IRP5 forms for all the past years or if I should use the recent one given to claim?

    Thankin u in advance

    • admin

      Hi Lee,

      Yes, it is possible to file for all four of the tax years you didn’t file. Whether you will be charged any penalties and interest depends on whether or not you are due a refund. If you are due a refund, you will not owe any penalties or interest. If you owe money, however, you will definitely owe interest and you will probably be charged failure-to-file and failure-to-pay penalties. And yes, when you file each year’s return, you need to IRS documents (W-2s, 1099s, etc.) from that year. If you don’t have them, you can request a transcript from the IRS.

  22. aj

    when is the last day to file a tax refund for 2009

    • admin

      Hi AJ,

      The last day to get a refund for 2009 is April 15, 2013.

  23. Dee

    Filed 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 taxes all together. Have been sick for this period. Will the IRS apply my over payments to offset what I owe?

    • admin

      Hi Dee,

      I’m not sure what you mean by over payments. If you are expecting refunds from some of these years but not all, you will owe or receive the balance of what they all work out to be.

  24. MPB

    We filed our 2008 taxes by driving them to the post office the night of April 17, 2012. I just received a letter dated 10/23/12 stating they denied our refund because the post mark was April 18, 2012. While we know the return was dropped in the mail on 4/17/2012 we have no receipt. We also had filed and extention for this tax return on the origional due date. Do we have 3 years from the extention date or the due date?

    • admin

      Hi MPB,

      No you do not get credit for your extension. You have three years from the original due date of the return to get a refund. As for postmark on the return, if it says the 18th, it says the 18th. Unless you can proved that the return was postmarked by the 17th, I think you’re out of luck. You could try calling again to argue your point, and if you’re really intent on getting that money you could try contacting a Taxpayer Advocate, but my guess would be that you’re not going to see that money. The IRS is unlikely to have sympathy for you if you mailed your return the night of the deadline.

  25. Arv

    Hi Admin ,

      I worked in USA from Jan 2008 to July 2008 and then moved to a different country . I have come back to usa in Oct 2012 . I had no idea about the refund is there anyway that I can contact IRS and get the refund that I deserve. I have my passport stamped at the airport to authenticate myself . In fact US immigration has all the details about my arrival and departure .Your assistance is appreciated .


    • admin

      Hi Arv,

      Have you filed a tax return for those years? That is the only way for you to get your refund. Unfortunately, PriorTax is unable to prepare any returns with foreign income. In situation like this, you might want to have a tax professional personally look at your return. 

      • Arv

        Yes I had filed my Taxes in a different country ( NOT USA ) as my country of Origin is not US and I went to my native country .

  26. nana

    Hi pls help! I’ve never received my 2011 state tax refund ,I filed wirh my daughter,can someone tell me what documents I have to send them and the address also ……thanks

  27. Bugbitt

     I mailed my 2008 return in 2010 at the same time I also e-filed my 2009 return.  However I never checked my investment account to make sure of the direct deposit for either year.  Now the IRS has sent me a notice stating they never received my 2008 return and that I owe taxes.  I can easily produce my return which shows I do not.  My question is: If they have no record of the return and have opened the statute of limitations to supposedly collect their money (by sending notice) and I (re)file my 2008 return with their notice do you think they will refund me the money I am due even though it's past the 3 year limit for refunds?

    • admin

      Hi Bugbitt, 

      I really can’t say. The only way for you to resolve this is for you to call the IRS (The number is 1-800-829-1040). At this point I’m going to say that it’s highly unlikely that you see this refund. The only way you’ll get it is if it turns out they accepted your return but then somehow didn’t process it and issue the refund. But if they’re saying they never received it, then they’re probably not going to give you the money. Ultimately (in their eyes at least) it is your responsibility to confirm that you receive your refund. Good luck! 

      • Bugbitt

        Thanks so much for your prompt reply.  I can't believe I did it and after reading the "rules" I figured this would be the answer from them but I'm going to ask anyway.

  28. Ash

    Hi wanted to know If someone was to past away two or three years ago can the other kin file a tax return for the person that past? And what If they never sent the death certificate to the tax office will It show In the computer when they try to file the dead persons tax return?

    • admin

      Hi Ash,

      You need to file a tax for the year a relative dies, if that relative would have had to file a tax return anyway. But you cannot file a return for a dead person after that. As for how the IRS knows someone is dead, I have no idea. But it’s never a good idea to commit tax fraud, especially this year with the IRS cracking down on it.

  29. Kate

    My husband failed to file tax returns for a NUMBER of years… 2003-2009. We have filed them all now. He “should” have gotten through all those years a total tax return of over $5,000. I realize that its too late to get that money, however last year he actually needed to pay in a little. WIll the money that he didnt get returned to him from the past years cover that amount that he needs to pay now?

    • admin

      Hi Kate,

      Unfortunately not. Once those refunds are gone they are gone. Besides, tax liabilities and refunds are not taken in aggregate. Each year is an individual thing that generally isn’t offset or affected by the others.

  30. dave

    we were eligible for the 1st time homeowners tax credit of $8,000 in 2010. however, we never filed our 2010 tax returns yet. we are about ready to have them filed and my accountant says that he believes the 1st time homeowners tax credit and/or refund has expired due to the tax returns not being filed timely. he said he believes the credit was only offered to people who filed their returns timely. is this in fact the case?? don’t we have 3 years from the due date which in this case should be April 15th 2014? do i have it all wrong or my accountant does? we have been desperately counting on this $8,000 and to find out now that we won’t get it is just devastading! is there any hope for us? and does it make a difference if we end up owing money to the IRS for 2010 which i believe we will owe some? help please! thx.

    • admin

      Hi Dave,

      I have to confess I’m not exactly sure whether you can claim the credit, though having read through the information about it I see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to, provided you meet all of the other qualifications.

      I think the easiest way for you to get an answer would be to contact the IRS. They even have a special FTHBC phone number: 1-800-919-0352.

  31. Angelica

    I have a quick question about my 2009 taxes, actually. I filed my 2009 taxes on time, but apparently I did something wrong. I had my daughter in 2009 and everyone that looked over my tax return that i filed said that i did something wrong because they think i got shorted money for the child tax credit or whatever. i only received 200 something and they said i shouldve gotten waaaay more. is it possible for me to redo my 2009 tax return? i dont have my w-2 or a copy of my 2009 tax return that i filed. your help would be appreciated. thank you.

    • admin

      Hi Angelica,

      Yes, you can file an amended return for 2009. However, you can only get a refund for 2009 taxes until April 15, 2013 so you need to do this sooner rather than later. As for your W-2 and 2009 return, you should be able to order transcripts from the IRS that will give you the pertinent info (see more on that here: http://www.priortax.com/filing-late-taxes/cant-find-documents-to-prepare-past-income-taxes-you-can-still-file/). After getting this info I would contact the people you originally filed your 2009 return with and tell them you’d like to amend it.

  32. esmeralda

    i did not file 2010 but already filed 2012 taxes this year and found out that i owe so they took away my 2012 refund away is there away i can still file my 2010 and get a refund back.but the think is that i dont got my w-2 form for that year of 2010

    • esmeralda

      can i do this on my own is because the girl that did my taxes is taking to long to help me with this problem and i need my money

      • admin

        Hi esmeralda,

        Yes, you can do this on your own, so long as you haven’t already filed through her.

  33. Michelle

    I filed my 2010 and 2011 taxes last year through a CPA. I apparently owed the IRS and Lousiana Department of Revenue for 2008, even though I received a tax refund from both in 2010 for my 2009 taxes.

    The IRS took their monies owed and gave me the rest of my refund for both 2010 and 2011. My CPA told me that I had to send a check to LDR for their amount owed, but I couldn’t afford to send them that. Now they have a hold on my accounts and I haven’t even started taxes for 2012 yet.

    The most stressful part is that I can’t find a single 1099 or W2 from 2008 or the paperwork from filing. I used TaxSlayer and it only shows my last tax year for 2009. I have every year except 2008. It’s like I blacked out or something, but I know I filed because I have an email confirmation dated April 2009 stating that my return was accepted by the IRS and will be processed shortly.

    What do I do? I feel that’s not enough proof and I have moved three times since 2008. I was in Louisiana, Iraq, Colorado, and now in North Carolina.

    • Michelle

      I guess I’m confused on what I should do. I have email confirmation from April 2009 that my tax return was accepted by the IRS. If I have this, this should mean that I filed my 2008 return, even though I can’t find anything else from 2008–not even a W-2. It can’t be any year prior to that because I have hard copies of those years.

      I guess I’m trying to figure out what to do with LDR because what they’re asking from me doesn’t make sense, but what can I do to prove that I filed my tax return for 2008? Is there any way to retrieve this information?

      • admin

        Did you file your 2008 LA return? A confirmation email from the IRS only proves that you filed your federal return. If you e-filed your state at the same time you probably would have gotten some sort of confirmation from the state too. If you don’t have any evidence of filing a 2008 state return, you could try contacting your tax preparer. Otherwise you’re just going to have to trust the LDR.

        • Michelle

          According to LDR, I only filed Federal for 2008 and not State. I don’t understand how this could have happened using TaxSlayer. Every year prior to 2008, I used TaxSlayer and haven’t had a problem. I didn’t start using a CPA until 2009 because of the overseas tax breaks for civilian contractors.

        • Michelle

          I received more information. I know you stated that I can file 2008 returns through here, but does that also include Louisiana State? I already filed Federal for 2008, I just need to do 2008 through state ASAP.

  34. Michelle

    Thank you.

  35. Chris

    Hi, I have a question. I’m one of their late filers who just assumed I owed. So I didn’t file for several years. I eventually filed and mailed everything on April 17, 2013. I ended up owing money for 2005 and 2007, but I qualify for a refund for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. I understand I won’t get refund after 3 years so I’m hoping to get a refund just for 2011 and 2012, only if the IRS adjust what I owed them in 2005 and 2007 from the years I qualified for a refund. For example in 2008 they owed me 1800.00, but 2009 alone I qualified for a 3000+ refund! Would they take it off what I owe from those years or what will eventually happen?

    • admin

      Hi Chris,

      The IRS treats each year’s refund/tax due separately, so they are not going to cancel each other out. In other words, you are going to have to pay for 2005 and 2007. Unfortunately, your refunds for 2008 and 2009 are gone. You won’t get them as money and they won’t cancel out the back taxes that you owe. On the bright side, at least you have refunds from 2010, 2011, and 2012 to look forward to.

      • Chris

        Thank you so much for your quick response. So it looks like I’ll be even with them:) that’s all I wished for. Thanks again!

  36. zuhair

    I spoke with someone about my tax returns for 2008 and they told me that it was been filed in July 2012.
    I mailed it out on February 2012, and when I told them that they said that I must send them proof…..1st of all, I didn’t know that I’m supposed to make a copy of the post stamp before mailing out the envelope, and 2nd Really??!!
    That check was to be around $15k and because I thought my money was safe in
    AMERICA, I didn’t think that I was going to have it taken away just like that. Is their anything I can do to get it back or at least half?????? I’m really desperate and I don’t know what to do.

    • admin

      Hi Zuhair,

      Yes, generally when it comes to tax returns, it’s best to get a Certificate of Mailing from the post office to prove that you did indeed mail it when you say you did, precisely in case something like this happens. It seems strange to me that your return would be lost in the mail for five months. Try calling someone at the IRS again and explaining the situation. But unfortunately, if they continue saying it arrived in July and you have no proof that it was failed in February, you’re just going to have to forfeit the refund. The moral of this story is don’t wait three years to file your taxes.

  37. mike

    I did not file taxes for 2008. I have filed every year since then and have received refunds. I don’t understand why the iris has not kept them? Do you have any advice.

    • admin

      Hi Mike,

      To put it simply, you’ve just been lucky. However, the IRS may catch on to the fact that you haven’t filed your 2008 tax return. There are penalties for this, the failure to file penalty and the failure to pay penalty. I would suggest filing your 2008 tax return. Unfortunately, refunds are no longer available to claim after 3 years. However, the amount you’ll be paying in penalties if the IRS does catch on will only increase if you continue to delay.

  38. joyce

    Hello. Me and my husband was sent an adjustment of 2010 taxes from his job. We filed it in 2012 and received a refund.However, not noticing that mail or even expecting anything else from them,we got another adjustment of the same tax year (2010) in 2013. We didn’t file til June 2013 and received a denial letter because filed too late. Is there anything we can do since we originally filed that tax year (2010) on time twice?

    • admin

      Hi Joyce,

      The IRS only grants refunds for tax returns within a three year window, even if your return was amended in 2012. It was interesting that you received another updated W2 adjustment from your employer. Unfortunately, the IRS will most likely still honor their three year time frame rule.

      I suggest contacting the IRS and explaining the situation to them to see if they will grant your refund to you for this tax return.

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