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How to File a 2024 Tax Extension and What are Extended Tax Deadlines

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How to File a 2024 Tax Extension and What are Extended Tax Deadlines

In 2024, individuals seeking to file a 2024 tax extension and have more time to complete their tax obligations will find this guide invaluable. Discover the process of obtaining an extension and the revised tax filing deadline, which is October 15. that applies to you.

The deadline for paying taxes and filing tax returns for the year 2023 falls on April 15. However, if you require additional time for tax flining, you can request an extension until October 15, 2024, to complete your filing.

It is not uncommon for individuals to require additional time beyond the April deadline. In fact, according to IRS data, approximately 10% to 15% of Americans opt to file a tax extension form each year. By submitting this form to the IRS on tax day, filers are granted an extension of approximately six months to complete their tax filings.

Navigating the intricacies of tax deadlines can be quite perplexing. It’s important to note that while there may be an extension for filing your taxes, the same cannot be said for making your payment. In the case of tax year 2023, with the filing deadline falling in 2024, it was crucial to submit your request for a tax extension by the customary April 15. Failure to do so would have resulted in incurring a penalty.

Here’s what you need to know about federal tax extensions and their deadlines.

2024 tax extension

For 2024, What is as 2024 Tax Extension?

When individuals require additional time to submit their federal personal income tax return, they can request a tax extension from the IRS. This can be done by completing the Tax Form 4868, the Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return.

In contrast to its counterparts, the form for requesting a tax extension is notably concise, requiring only a brief time investment. However, before proceeding, you must furnish key personal details and make an informed projection of your annual tax obligations.

What Does a 2024 Tax Extension Actually Extend?

Are you inquiring about the purpose of a tax extension? Allow me to shed some light. A tax extension grants an extension to the deadline for submitting your fully filled-out 1040 personal tax return while your payment time remains unchanged.

When it comes to filing for an extension with the IRS, it’s important to note that this only pertains to your federal income taxes. However, if you are also liable for state income tax, a separate extension must be filed in that regard. In cases where you don’t have all the necessary information to calculate your owed taxes accurately, it is common practice to make an estimated payment.

This is a method you can utilize to obtain this estimate. Discover the convenience of PriorTax, an online tax filing service like the PriorTax E-File that connects you to a dedicated tax professional free to assisting you. Enter your financial details effortlessly and watch as the intelligent PriorTax E-File estimates your tax obligations effortlessly. With PriorTax, a free dedicated tax professional will assist you in analyzing the figures and generating a realistic estimate.

What Happens If you Don’t File Taxes in 2024?

The dire consequences of not tax filing in time can be significant. To prevent facing a penalty for late filing, it is advisable to request a tax extension. However, it is important to note that you may still incur a failure-to-file penalty if you do not submit your completed return by the extended October deadline.

Before you consider filing for an extension without making a payment, take a moment to reconsider. In the event that you fail to settle at least 90% of your tax obligations by the designated deadline, the IRS has the authority to impose a failure-to-pay penalty, potentially reaching 25% of the total amount owed.

Do I Need to File 2024 Tax Extension?

Is it necessary for me to file a tax extension? The majority of individuals in the United States who require extra time to file their taxes will likely opt for filing an extension.

In the event that you have been directly affected by a natural catastrophe, such as a devastating hurricane or wildfire, you may be eligible for an extension on your tax filing.

In the case where an individual has been living or working abroad during the tax filing deadline, they may be eligible for an automatic extension. This provision applies to several groups, such as military personnel and their families, and can grant a filing extension of two to six months.

In case you fall under certain criteria, such as being a qualifying member of the military, there is a possibility for you to qualify for an extension automatically. In addition to extensions provided for individuals living overseas, those in combat zones or hospitalized due to injury may also be eligible for automatic extensions.

When individuals anticipate receiving a refund, they often find that the IRS extends more leniency towards them if they do not request an extension. By failing to meet the April deadline, they can avoid penalties associated with the failure to file a return. Nonetheless, taxpayers need to be aware that their entire refund can be forfeited if they fail to submit a completed tax return within three years of the initial due date.


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