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Tax Deadline Was October 15. File Late Taxes Today!

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Tax Deadline Was October 15. File Late Taxes Today!
The 2012 Tax Extension Deadline is October 15th!

The Tax Extension and E-File Deadline was October 15 but you can still file late with PriorTax.

The 2014 tax season officially ended on October 15, 2014. October 15th was the very last chance you had to e-file your 2013 taxes. Luckily, you can still prepare a 2013 tax return with PriorTax.

Keep in mind, you’ll be required to paper file your 2013 tax return since you’re no longer able to e-file.

Penalties and interest

If you’re expecting a refund, you’re off the hook from late penalties and fines. However, if you have tax due, you could be subject to failure-to-file penalties, failure-to-pay penalties. 

All of these penalties grow larger with every day that your return goes unfiled or your liability unpaid. So if you do end up being a little late, don’t put your taxes off. Get them filed as soon as possible.

If you are due a refund, why delay? Just think of what you could do with the extra money.

Prepare your 2013 Taxes or any Past Year with PriorTax

If you’ve already filed your 2013 tax return, but never filed a 2011 return, you’ll also be able to get caught up on PriorTax. In fact, PriorTax offer tax preparation for tax year dating back to 2005.

File on PriorTax

Look no further than PriorTax. Our online application will fill all the requisite forms out for you and then you’ll simply need to mail the late return to the IRS.

Take care of your return today.

Photo via Denise Mattox on Flickr.


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